WooCommerce Seller Guide
1. Products Management
List Products
- Products > All Products
- To show all products in your store. You can filter by categories, product types or stock status (In stock | Out of stock | On backorder)
Add Products
- Products > Add New
- Product Data (Product type: Simple product | Grouped product | External / Affiliate product | Variable product)
- General
- Regular price (RM)
- Sale price (RM), with an option by schedule
- Tax status
- Inventory
- Manage stock (Enable | Disable)
- Stock status (In stock | Out of stock | On backorder)
- Sold Individually – Enable this to only allow one of this item to be bought in a single order (Enable | Disable)
- Shipping
- Weight (kg)
- Dimension (cm) L x W x H
- Shipping Class
- Linked products
- Upsells
- Cross-sells
- Attributes (Allow store owners to add extra data to product such as colour, size, patterns, etc.)
- Custom product attribute (Add / Select)
- Attribute value(s) – Give each attribute value(s) accordingly
- Visible on the product page – Whether this attribute to show on product page or not
- Used for variations -Whether this attribute used for amount calculation or not
- Variation (Available for variable product only. Allow store owners to offer a set of variations on a product, with control over prices, stock, image and more for each variation. They can be used for a product like a shirt, where you can offer a large, medium and small and in different colors)
- Advanced
- Purchase Note (Enter an optional note to send to customer after purchase)
- Menu order (Product ordering position)
Edit Products Categories
- Products > Categories
- Rename category
- Update categories description
- Total products in each category
Edit Products Tags
- Products > Tags
- Rename tag
- Update tags description
- Total products in each tag
Edit Attributes (To view all create attributes and its values, to be used in product variation as mentioned above)
- Products > Attributes
- Click here to learn more
Bulk Edit Products
Products > WooCommerce Advance Bulk Edit
2. Orders Management
Orders Overview
- WooCommerce > Home
Manage Orders
- WooCommerce > Orders
- In each order:
- Order details
- Update order status (Pending payment | Processing | On hold | Completed | Cancelled | Refunded| Failed)
- Items ordered
- Payment method (Wallet)
- Shipping method
- Order actions (Email invoice / Order details to customer | Resend new order notification | Regenerate download | permission | Recalculate order cashback)
- Add note (Private note | Customer note)
Manage Customers
- WooCommerce > Customers
- All customers details
View Sales Report
- Analytics
- Overview
- Products
- Revenue
- Orders
- Variations
- Categories
- Coupons
- Taxes
- Stocks
3. Coupons
To Manage Coupons
- Marketing > Coupons
- Add coupon
- Coupon code
- Coupon description
- Coupon data